Need Help Using Your FrostGuard Signature?
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Installation Instructions
1. Place elastic loop over the driver’s side mirror. Our Fit-Fast technology ensures the best placement and most snug fit to your windshield, every time. Chose the Fit-Fast loop that best fits your vehicle.
2. Unroll the FrostGuard® as you walk around the front of the vehicle. It may be necessary to slightly stretch the elastic loop as you walk in front of the vehicle to attach to the passenger side mirror. The printed side should be facing out.
3. When you reach the passenger’s side mirror, slide the corresponding elastic loop over the mirror. Lightly tug on the FrostGuard® to center the unit on the windshield. Check and smooth the cover to make sure it is lying flat against the windshield. Extend the wiper blade cover over windshield wipers for added protection.
4. Open drivers side door and make sure the security panel is hanging inside the door frame, past the door jam. Close the driver's side door, making sure the security panel stays in place.